Contact Us |
Due to the amount of advertising messages being posted here we've had to temporarily suspend the facility for you to message us via the website. If you want to get in touch please message us via our Facebook page for now.
If you wish to be kept informed of upcoming gigs and any any other news on the band please join our mailing list by entering your details below and clicking the Submit button. You should receive an email from us containing a link which you need to click to confirm your email address. If you don't receive an email within a couple of minutes please check your spam folder. Some email providers require you to 'Whitelist' the gutterbrothers.co.uk domain in order to permit email from us, unfortunately we have no control over this. If you don't confirm your email address you will not receive any further emails from us. We only send very occasional emails and we will never share your details with any third party. Thanks for visiting!