Picture Library
There were hundreds of photos taken of the band over the years, by professionals, friends and fans alike. We'd love to be able to credit all the photographers in this section, but many of their names have been lost in the mists of time. The names of one or two do stand out in our memory though - Thom Goldbrom, Pat Wheeler and Keady Green took the majority of the pictures on the site between them. We apologise sincerely to anyone whose name we've forgotten - where possible we've entered a credit, but if you see any shots you think are yours on here, please let us know and (if we believe you!) we'll amend the site accordingly. Also please let us know if you think any of the details displayed with the pictures are incorrect, or if you have more info not shown here. More pictures will be added from time to time as they are unearthed. Select from the categories below to view the pictures.
Recent SightingsRecent Sightings
Live photos taken since 2003
Shots from the very early days of the Gutter Brothers and slightly before
1984 - 1988
Street LifeStreet Life
Pictures from Covent Garden and other street corners
1988 - 1991
Stage ShotsStage Shots
Photos from assorted concerts and other live situations
1988 - 1993
Promo PicsPromo Pics
Various attempts to make the band look presentable and other still lives
1988 - 1992
Video StillsVideo Stills
Photos taken during the making of the various GB promo videos
1989 - 1991
Stuff which doesn't readily fit into the other categories
1960s(!) - Present