Song Catalogue Frank | Isometric Boogie | The Lost Album | Gone To The Dogs | The Failsafe | Already Dead
Everlasting Shining Peace of Mind
Bubbling Under, Boiling Over
Live and Learn
Hand Jive
Blow Away
Fat Cadillac
The Frame
Still Waiting
Where Do They Keep The Water?
Everlasting Shining Peace of Mind
Words: Dennis Johnson, Music: Steve Turner
This was song number one really - the first attempt made at our own brand of skiffle tune. Knocked out in one afternoon at Den's flat in Camden, rehearsed at the back of the Opera House and in the busking set all in the space of a couple of days. It became our anthem eventually, and summed up the spirit of the band - whatever else the Gutter Brothers was, it was always fun. It was also quite a personal statement by Den, the words aren't as upbeat as they first may seem…
I’m leaving on the early train, the first one at the station
Find a place to sit me down and run things through my mind,
Another job, another town, an unknown destination,
Another dingy rooming house, somewhere down the line.
All I ever wanted was a reason to be happy,
Happiness can be so hard to find.
All I ever needed was for you to get to know me,
Everlasting shining peace of mind.
I’m tired of fighting for the things you often take for granted,
I’m tired of all the cheap talk in the bar rooms and saloons,
I’m heading out for pastures new where the eagle rules the canyon,
Down below the mesa, grow some scars upon my wounds.
All I ever wanted was a reason to be happy,
Happiness can be so hard to find.
All I ever need was for you to get to know me,
Everlasting shining peace of mind.
I’m leaving here to find somewhere that holds no false illusion,
Illusions are like promises, the same old hollow ring,
I’m leaving here for anywhere that offers me seclusion,
Live below the mountains, watch the eagle on the wing.
All I ever wanted was a reason to be happy,
Happiness can be so hard to find.
All I ever needed was for you to get to know me,
Everlasting shining peace of mind.